Beer, Wine

Finding the Light

A lot of negative things have been floating around me lately.


  • My roommate (and one of my best friends) leaving has been tough. While I’m so happy and excited for him to begin his new adventure, I’ll miss him a lot and his leaving has brought up lots of ‘what am I doing with my life’ and ‘not good enough’ feelings for me.
  • Two friends of mine lost their beloved pets this week. My heart aches to see their pain.
  • And then, two nights ago, we all heard about the terrible attacks in Paris. (This, only days after another attack in Beirut that left Lebanon in three days of national mourning.)


Usually I’m pretty good at being optimistic and, as my mom says, looking at the doughnut instead of the hole. But these past couple of weeks it has been much more difficult than usual to do that.


It’s tough to feel like you’re trying and trying and trying, only to have the universe ignore you. It’s tough to see people you love lose pets they love. It’s tough to see places you’ve visited, that have helped you become the person you are, be scarred and terrorized.


But what does this have to do with wine and beer? With this blog?


Wine and beer are two things I love. Learning about wine, enjoying a glass of something after a long day of work, visiting wineries and breweries – these are things that bring me joy. When I’m low, when things aren’t going my way, when tragedies happen in my world, it becomes important (imperative, even) to turn to the things I love.


So yesterday, after another long (and at times, sad) day, I picked up a few things and enjoyed some wine while taking some quiet time for myself.



Something from France, in honour of Friday night’s attacks.



Something familiar and well-loved from ‘home’ (Niagara).



A cozy winter brew to curl up with on a cold night.


Enjoying these things, especially during the dark times, helps remind me that things won’t always be such a struggle. Sure, they might seem broken now, but I have to keep faith that it won’t always be thus.




When there is darkness surrounding you sometimes you have to fight to find the light.


I am fighting to find the light.

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  • Reply Chelle November 20, 2015 at 8:28 pm

    I’m sorry to hear you’re having a rough time of it. 🙁 Change is definitely never easy and always opens up the mind to so many possibilities – most of which are more daunting than not. I hope you find your light. 🙂

    • Reply megshannon November 21, 2015 at 10:54 am

      Thanks. Things are getting better, but I wanted to share that things aren’t always rosy, despite always having nice drinks around. 🙂

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